The Kapor Center

Selena Davant
December 27, 2021
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The Challenge

The Kapor Center, a driving force for inclusive technology, needed to convey its 2021 impact report visually and make it engaging and compelling. They sought to showcase the Center's home in Oakland and the individuals contributing to their mission of creating a more inclusive tech sector. This involved translating raw data and accomplishments into a visually engaging 3-minute vignette.

The Solution

Made in Color took on the creation of the 3-minute vignette for The Kapor Center's 2021 Impact Report. Our end-to-end involvement spanned creative direction and project management, from storyboarding to location scouting, scriptwriting, and production team coordination. We acquired and managed a team of 4, including a director of photography and editor, 1st AC, and a behind-the-scenes (BTS) photographer.

Key Results

Within just six weeks, we produced a vignette that effectively translated complex data and achievements into dynamic visuals. This included highlighting the announcement of $53 million in funding distributed to support underrepresented entrepreneurs and tech diversity initiatives. The impact report garnered close to 10,000 online views.

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Selena Davant

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