Tipping Point Community

Selena Davant
May 26, 2022
min read
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The Challenge

When studio 1504 sought a partner for a collaboration with Tipping Point Community, a prominent Bay Area foundation, the early discussions revolved around a storytelling project scheduled for May 2022. Recognizing the potential of this opportunity, they reached out to us, Made in Color, to serve as local collaborators. Our mission was clear: we needed to assemble a talented team, identify compelling subjects, schedule productions, and collaborate with a local director based in Oakland to bring this project to fruition.

The Solution

The Tipping Point Community video production project presented an enticing opportunity for creative storytelling, one we couldn't resist. We were well-connected to a network of exceptional BIPOC storytellers in the Bay Area, making us the perfect partners for the endeavor. Our role extended beyond mere production; we provided essential support in story production by uncovering local narratives, assembling a talented local crew, scouting locations, and ensuring seamless production setups and teardowns.

Key Results

After months of intensive preparation, we executed four captivating narratives in a whirlwind two-day shoot in early April 2022. These narratives made their grand debut on May 11 at the prestigious Tipping Point Community Annual Gala. The impact of these emotionally charged stories was nothing short of remarkable. They moved the gala attendees to open their hearts and wallets, resulting in an astounding $25 million in pledges in a single evening, all in support of the foundation's vital work around poverty-fighting solutions.

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Selena Davant

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