Selena Davant
July 1, 2023
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The Challenge

BLKHLTH, an organization dedicated to addressing the impacts of racism on Black health through content, workshops, and events, was confronted with the task of creating an engaging brand activation for Essence Fest 2023. Their objective was to establish a space that would facilitate education, interaction, and action during the event.

Our Solution

We initiated a design process, commencing with the development of a 3D model for a 20x10' booth, translating the client's vision into a tangible and thoughtful visual. Subsequently, we selected vendors in New Orleans to source a variety of elements needed to bring our renderings to life for the activation. This included sourcing lush greenery, VR headsets, and iPad stands for remote registration. Additionally, we designed branded signage that artfully reimagined BLKHLTH's identity to effectively communicate the mission, vision, and activities set to unfold at Essence Fest.

Key Results

Throughout the day-long event, the BLKHLTH brand activation successfully engaged over 80 attendees, who demonstrated their interest to the cause by requesting nearly 50 colorectal cancer kits for home delivery. The client expressed their satisfaction, stating, "Partnering with Made In Color was one of the best decisions we made to bring our Essence Fest activation to life. Jena and Selena are strong communicators, creative, and highly organized. They are also meticulous, attending to both major and minor details, which enabled us to effectively connect with our audience. They made the entire process so easy and enjoyable."

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Selena Davant

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