East Oakland Future Fest

Selena Davant
June 18, 2023
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The Challenge

The East Oakland Future Fest (EOFF) aimed to create a positive impact by offering a space for people to envision the future of East Oakland. They recognized the need for additional support to bring this vision to life and promote their mission effectively. Seeking creative concepts, they approached us for assistance.

The Solutions

We crafted a self-guided pop art installation - The AfroFuture Tree. This installation offered attendees a unique opportunity to share personalized messages with East Oakland. In return, they received an affirmation card from a tree, symbolizing the reciprocal exchange of positivity and inspiration. Each contribution by the attendees created a living and ever-changing testament to the vision for East Oakland's future.

Key Results

Our designed and printed affirmation postcards received considerable attention. Of the 100 postcards we provided, 62 were taken, and festival-goers creatively crafted 20. Beyond the numbers, we discovered that the most used words on the postcards, such as "Joy," "Love," "Reconnect," and "Home," reflected a profound connection attendees felt and the collective vision of a more connected community. In essence, our installation successfully created an open and meaningful dialogue about the bright future of East Oakland.

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Selena Davant

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