Sum of Us

Selena Davant
May 9, 2023
min read
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The Challenge

Sum Of Us (SOU) Festival presented us with an exciting challenge: they sought a partner to craft transformative experiences for their attendees. This was their inaugural in-person event after years of postponement due to the pandemic, and the pressure was on to deliver an unforgettable experience. Compounding the challenge was the festival's unique forest setting, a blank canvas where we needed to create installations that harmonized with nature.

The Solutions

To meet this challenge head-on, we devised concepts that would captivate festivalgoers and ensure each experience was exceptional and distinct. Our approach involved collaborating with our creative community and engaging additional creative minds to help bring our concepts to life in 2022 and 2023.

Key Results

In our first year working with SOU, we transformed a bridge into the "Made in _____ Bridge" – an affirmation bridge, leaving a profound impact on 500 attendees. Fast forward to 2023, where we undertook an even more ambitious project: turning a tennis court into a dynamic playground and three phone booths into portals, sparking and nurturing the inner child and playfulness of 1,000 attendees.

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Selena Davant

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